Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Another thing...

I just had to post this………….

It is part of an email that I sent a very dear friend of mine, and as I was typing it, I thought that it would also make a great journal entry too:

I feel like a different person already!  I feel happier, more energised and just proud all the time now!

I actually THINK about what is going into my mouth and what affect it will have on me........ not only physically, but emotionally as well!

I have spent far too long as a prisoner to food....... it feels fantastic to finally break free and feel alive again!

My God - that sounds like it came straight off a commercial!  I'm gonna use that in my journal later!  hehehee......

I tell ya what....... one of my "lightbulb" moments was a couple of weeks ago.........

A girl  that I work with and I were talking……….just about life in general and it got onto the gym thing…………….. and she said to me:

"So how long have you been ummmm bigger?"

Oh My Farken God!!!!

My heart sank, my face went bright red, and I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me right then and there!!!

I think she could tell that I was mortified, cos she tried to make it right....... but just dug the hole deeper.....

So  I composed myself and just laughed it off.  I was sooooo embarrassed!

But I tell ya - a little part of me died inside right then!!

Everyone around me has always told me how great I am looking, and how well I have done....... I just smile and take the compliments.

Well, that is what I thought I did.

It turns out that I actually file the compliments away in the back of my brain for use at a later date.

You see, if everyone is telling me that I still look great (even though I had gained 15kgs since my lowest point) then it must be true!

It means that I can have that biscuit, or those takeaways, cos I "still look good"!!!

It didn't matter that my clothes weren't fitting, or I was getting unfitter by the day........

Oh no siree....... "So and so" told me that I looked great yesterday, so I don't have to worry about the scales saying 123kgs just yet do I?

I mean, if i ignore it, it'll go away wont it???

Anyway.......... that was a lightbulb moment right then and there..........

BUT - something good has come out of it - I am back on track and determined not to go wonky again!!!

Just remember that it won’t happen overnight, BUT IT WILL HAPPEN!!!!

OMG you are on fire!!!! That is so damn awesome hun!
Yay for Rhian sleeping in a big girls bed - boy she really is growing up now! :)
Just had to tell you , since i am a smart arse of the highest order. Little unknown fact, PIGS dont SWEAT LOL LOL LOL thats why they role in mud to cool off :))

I always tell my boyfriend that when he says it

We need those light bulb moments to hit us! Pleased one had come your way:)

It's fantastic to see you so back into it all!
Very true words spoken in your post today. One other thing to consider ... "big" is only relative to comparison. Its the comparison that counts and only a comparison to ourselves not to others.

That make sense? Hmmm not sure I explained that clearly enough lol.

Good post tho! Thx for that :)
Ok let me try to explain it better here ... a cat is big compared to a mouse, but it's small compared to a cow. We maybe fat or slim at the same time depending on where we have come from. And only we know that history and where we are going with it. Therefore we can't compare ourselves to others, only to our own history.

That make more sense? lol Hope so.
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