Friday, April 07, 2006


I'm really trying to be positive here folks........

But I woke up this morning feeling no better or worse than what I did when I went to bed last night, so the gym was the last thing that I wanted to do!

I cuddled up under the blankets and took advantage of having an extra hour in bed!

Now, my nose is still blocked, my throat is still tickly, and my eyes are still puffy!


I'm NOT going to give in to it though, and I am trucking on...........

But I still feel guilty for not gymming last night or this morning!

How crazy is that then????

Food has been outstanding this week, I have come in on or just over 20 points every day, which is pretty good I think, and apart from the slight bend in the road (being my flu) it has all been pretty much smooth sailing!

I have enjoyed being in control like you wouldn't believe.........


I'm up for a challenge tonight....... I know it will be a hard one!

I am going out for drinks and dinner with the company that I used to work for a few years ago.

One of the guys there just got made redundant, so they are doing a "This is your life" thing for him, and I am included!

It is starting with drinks at the office, then we are going to dinner in Petone to a Restaurant called "First Choice".

Now, I thought that I would prepare myself, and actually go and visit the restaurant BEFORE this evening to look at the menu and PLAN what I was going to have.

But when I drove past it, it was closed, and to be honest, it looked like a Chinese takeaway!!!!!!

OH HELL!!!!!!!

It is a BYO, so at least I wont be tempted by the bar, cos I am not going to take ANYTHING with alcohol in it!! I have to drive home and because I will be drinking tomorrow night, I didn't think two nights in a row was gonna be such a good idea!

So, I have the liquid side of things under control............... No worries!!!

I'm gonna take another drive past this afternoon to see if they have a menu up on the window or anything, cos I really don't want to have to make a hasty decision and regret it.

See - things ARE changing in my life huh??

Anyway, I'm certainly not planning on a big night, just cos I feel so terrible, but then again, I won't NOT go, cos I really got on well with the guy who's farewell it is.

Now, tonight is not the only challenge that I am facing this weekend.

Tomorrow I am heading away with my Dragon Boat team for our end of season prizegiving and party!

I have asked to see the menu from the restaurant, so that should come through this afternoon, so HOPEFULLY I can find the thing that will be the best so that I can drink lots and forget my flu!!


Oooo, me and Ange are going to the gym in the morning, and after our work out, we are gonna try out the sauna!!

Cool huh!?!?!?!?

Bugger, gotta go into a meeting.......

Hey Jo, Those you used to work with will sure 'see' a difference in you when you meet them tonight. How great is that :)
Luv Ya, & take care of that flu,
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