Monday, June 19, 2006


It's damn cold - too fricken cold to be holed up in this icebox of a room on the computer!
So this will be short......
I have been a diet queen today - I got organised and took salad for lunch, plus grapes and carrots as snacks, and I was so busy at work that I didn't feel hungry all day!
For dinner we had boring soup and toast, but it was filling and warm and just what was needed!
I was supposed to have a Tupperware party to do tonight, but the hostess rang to postpone. I was secretly relieved as I really didn't want to have to go out in the cold!!
I'm REALLY really tired.
Seems like no matter how much sleep I have, I still wake up exhausted!
It's really not fair!
It feels a lot like it did when I had glandular fever a few years ago, just the constant state of exhaustion.... it's really not very nice.
And NO - I'm definately NOT pregnant!!!
I am just finishing a period from hell this month - so that ain't even an option!!
LOL :)
Just feel drained all the time, and that makes me grumpy, and when I am grumpy I eat......
It's a never ending cycle, that I really have to break....
And I hope that by tonight, saying NO to a biscuit with my coffee was just a small step in breaking that cycle...
I'm a little hungry right now, but instead of delving into the cupboard, I'm gonna go climb into bed instead!
And ya know what??
Grey's Anatomy will be just as good if I tape it and watch it another night!!!!
And for that matter - so will Desperate Housewives!!
So, from this tired camper, It's GOODNIGHT!!!

Have u had your iron tested Jo maybe u are a bit anemic(sp) ith heavy period losses isn't natural to be tired all the time. I kno u r a busy girl but after a good sleep u should be able to run another busy day. Another thing maybe u need a vitamin supplement oh listen to me when all I want to do is stay in bed all day out of the cold in me pj's and hibernate.
i was just going to suggest what Felicity suggested, however remember that it may make you constipated again, and you dont want that either! i hope your feeling better today hun, i can only imagine how freezing it is down there!!!
Hope you are feeling a lot better. Hard being a busy working mum, you are bound to have tired days. Maybe the vitamin supplement could be a good suggestion:)
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