Saturday, August 26, 2006

Help Needed...

OK - all you web people out there............. HELP!!!

I have a new laptop.... It's great!

BUT........ I can't get on to any websites that are hosted by Blogger - I think!!

Anything that has "blogspot" in the address wont work - even my own!!

I can update (obviously) on the dashborad page, but I can't view it, and I can't get onto any of the other blogs that I used to read either.

I know that it isn't a Blogger fault, cos I was talking to a friend on MSN just now and she could get on to my site and it was fine!

Any suggestions??

I have tried to adjust my security settings, and I am currently running on the lowest setting, so I am at a loss to know what to do now!

I NEED my blog fix!!!


Kate was having the same problem!
Hmmmmm not sure what to advise you here chickeee... hope you get it sorted real soon!
Have you checked your security settings on IE? Check those out, maybe play around with those. Or, my partner suggest getting Mozilla Firefox.

Hope this helps.
I wasn't able to get on blog pages myself till just now wasn't working at 6 so think it was a blog thing...I love my lap top.
You can see a difference in the photos!!! Looking great Jo!
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