Sunday, August 27, 2006


The ball was GREAT, and I DIDN'T get drunk at all!!

In fact, I think I was just about the soberist person there!!

I will post a couple of pics tomorrow, but for now I am knackered and heading off to bed (it's only 8.17pm!!!)

I am still completely frustrated at the fact that I can't access anyones blogs, not even my own!!

I have tried everything that I can possibly think of - I have changed my security settings in Interent Explorer, I have checked the settings in my Virus protection, and as a last resort, I even downloaded Mozilla Firefox, and still I can't access the bloody things!

It's driving me insane to be honest!

Anyone out there know what else I can try????

Are you running a firewall, or do you have security stuff like Nortons or something, Zone Alarm? Anything?

I'm asking my partner who is a bit of an IT nut - well, he makes a living out of it!

Let me know. Email me if you need to.
Jo I couldn't get in again last night but ok today so hopefully when u get home tonight all will be fixed. Pleased u had a good nite Saturday.
WOW! I am impressed to hear that you stayed sober at the ball! But glad to hear you had a fantastic time as well! Can be quite interesting watching other people get quite drunk whilst you are sober!
I was gonna suggest Mozilla Firefox but bugger that not even thats working for you! But like Sam says - are you running a firewall or something like that?
I'm fairly certain it's not just you. I have only been able to get into blogspot blogs very occasionally for the past 5 or so days, and a few people in auckland and aussie have been the same. So hang in there, I don't think it's your computer.
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