Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Wednesday Already???

Things have been a little hectic lately.....
Work is crazy, long story, but it is just mental!
Had to come in early this morning, and probably will have to again tomorrow.

Rhian got sent home form Daycare on Monday with conjunctivitis and since it is deemed contagious, it is a compulsory 48 hour stand down.
This means that the earliest she can go back is Thursday.
With my boss away this week, and the other things going on here, it means that I cant take time off, so she has gone to Nana & Grandad's for a "holiday"
I took her up on Monday night after I spent two hours sitting in the waiting room at the After Hours Dr with her!
Ended up staying up at mums place and coming back early on Tuesday morning to make it to work only half an hour late.

I'll go and pick her up tomorrow after work, so that will be another road trip, but at least I will have my girl back!
I have missed her like crazy this week!!!

Tonight I will start to sand down the walls of the bathroom that are crap.
Turns out that the paint already on the walls must have been enamel, and the pain that I used to paint over them, was acrylic!
So, as soon as the water comes into contact with the walls, it just peels straight off!
It looks like an absolute mess at present, but I have been back to the shop and got the CORRECT stuff this time, so hopefully I can get it fixed up without too many dramas!

I also raised the height of the shower head as it was far far too low for my 6foot 1inch frame, but now the pressure is total shit, so I am thinking about lowering it again, but not as far as it was before - make sense??  Good!

I'll post a couple of pics from the ball on Saturday night once I get home (I'm doing this update from work during a brief lull in madness) as there are a couple of really good ones there.
Although it does make me realise, that although I have come a long way on this weight loss journey, I still have a long way to go.......
This time next year I will be at goal, and I WILL be in a smaller gorgeous dress!!!  

6.8kg to go before I am back into virgin fat......... can't wait!!!!

My eating has been good this week so far.....  long may it last!
And I even hauled my ass to the gym last night as well!!!
I am thinking of going tonight too, but I know that I really do have to get started on the bathroom, so the gym may just have to take a back seat until that is all finished.

What else???
Nothing really..... just cruising along taking one day at a time and trying to concentrate on not stressing out about work!!!

Righto - the madness has started again, so best I get on with trying to make sense of things...........

Ooooo, I got back onto blog sites last night!!!!!!  Not sure what I have done or why it wouldn't let me in the past, but it all seems to be working OK now!!!
Although I still didn't get a chance to catch up on everyone's sites, cos by the time I figured it all out, it was late and I needed sleep!

wooohoooo :D GO DIY Jo!!!

So r u home yet?? :) pics please!!

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