Thursday, January 04, 2007

PussyCat Heaven

Well, Sharna is now in PussyCat Heaven, and my house is eerily quiet!
I woke up at 3am thinking that I heard her miaowing.....
Then this morning when getting ready for work, I could have sworn that I heard her jumping off the chair that she slept on!
Double weird!!!
It was so hard last night at the vets, and I will admit that I did have last minute doubts as to whether I was doing the right thing or not.
But at the end of the day, I KNOW that it was the right decision, and she is happy and pain free now...
I was with her until the end, just patting her and crying like a baby!!  The vet was awesome, he reassured me that it was the right thing...
But it was still hard to say goodbye to a faithful friend of 16 years.
Some will say "It's just a cat!" and I know that, but she was a part of my life for so long, I will miss her!
My gorgeous friend Rose came along for moral support, and I swear it was the best thing ever!
I'm not sure that I could have done it alone!
But it's done now, and it's over.....
Time to move on....

Oh Jo, what a hard decision to make. I'm sure she is still with you in spirit, and is thanking you for taking her pain away.

I'm not looking forward to the day I have to do that to my boy :( And there is no such thing as "just a cat", she was part of your family for so long.

Hugs for you Jo. I dread the day I ever have to make that decision. And to people who think they are "just cats" well they can bugger off.

.... RIP Sharna ....
I am more a dog person than a cat, but any decision like this for a member of your family,as Sharna was, is extremely difficult but also brave and done with the utmost love any owner can do. I am a nurse and I wish that this choice could be for humans at times. We don't let our beloved pets suffer, why should people? Anyway RIP Sharna.
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