Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Too cute...

"I'm not a polar bear aye mummy?"

That's the first question I got this morning!

Too damn cute!

I'm still here, still cruising, still sitting on about 109kg.

Need to get motivated to dump this weight, or else I'll be sitting here in 12 months time still seeing the same numbers!

Is it the season?

Is it because I am happy?

Or is it just because I'm complacent?

Not sure of the answer to that, but once I figure it out - I'll act on it!

Now - I'm off to try to find that elusive motivation..... wish me luck!

Hey Jo

I've struggled for years too, but have been doing Cohens and was stunned with the results.

Go check out their website

sometimes maintaining is a positive thing... better than gaining heaps. keeping chugging along. get yourself a new gadget/program/something to spark your enthusiasm.
You'll find it Jo - you always have before! I think complacency is common, I mean just look at how far you've come, you've achieved a lot and when you see yourself looking better I think you tend to lose some of the urgency.

Don't kids just come out with the cutest things sometimes?
When you find it........send some to me and Aunty Val......otherwise we will have "you know who" flying over from Oz on her broomstick to sort us out. :)
Think its the weather!!! Well that's my excuse. Aunty Val says it could be the chocolate biscuits she bought & ate by herself for her problem LOL. Off to the big city to go shopping today so will keep an eye on each other....yeah right!!!!!!!!
Luv Ya
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