Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Nearly time to get out of here for the day.
Spent an hour out of the office with a workmate, took about half an hour to do what i had to at the other office, so then we decided to go have coffee!
Lovely huh?
Of course mine was a trim DECAF flat white, and we shared a piece of gluten free orange and poppyseed cake (which was quite foul to be honest) and then came back to work...
It was wonderful to get out and not have to think about anything other than watching people and drinking coffee!  YAY!
Certainly brightened up my day that's for sure, and the girl that I went with is actually someone that I used to go to school with many moons ago, and she is a real scream... so lots of laughs were had - JUST WHAT I NEEDED!

I really don't mean to be so negative in my blog, I know what it is like to read an update from someone and all they seem to do is bitch and moan about things.... I hate it!  It certainly makes it a chore to read......
But I guess I am just having a harder time with this giving up smoking thing than I thought I would.

This morning was testament to that, and I know that I just have to work through it and keep on keeping on!
But I do want to say a huge THANK YOU to you guys, cos the encouragement I get is fantastic!
I know I can do this, YOU know I can do this..... I just have to prove everyone right and DO THIS!!
And on that note, I'm gonna sign off here and head off to pick up my gorgeous daughter from daycare, then head home, get the vegetables ready for dinner, get changed and head out for a walk - YAY!!!
And if seeing my beautiful daughter and her lovely smiling face doesn't improve my mood today, then I don't think ANYTHING will!
Have a great night everyone!!!

Well done Jo :)
Did dolly go for a walk too or did you convince little miss to go in her pushchair instead?? LOL
Luv Ya
Ma xoxoxo
I love that your posting several times a day and who cares if people don't like what your posting (ie negative etc) because it YOUR blog and you should put in what your feeling and we love that you are sharing these experiences with us.

Its not just about the good stuff.

I hope you have a great day with little craving and no headaches.
gosh don't worry about posting how foul you might be feeling. I had the same worries a few weeks ago when all I seemed to write about was problems, but realised that my blog is the place where I can have a bit of a moan/groan and writing it down can really help feel like you have got it off your chest.
Keep posting what ever you feel like writing, I have never tried to give us smoking so won't say I know what it must be like as I simply don't but I'm hear with a listening ear and am sure that everyone would rather have you venting how you feel rather then keeping it all bottled inside.
Have a great day. YOU CAN DO THIS.
Heya I know exactly how you feel re smoking... i gave up in January... and even now I crave them... I can sympathise!! Keep at it, it's soo worth it in the long run... I didn't get sick this year (well, til now anyway), and I used to get bronchitis every year, without fail...
Ignore the cravings :P
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