Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday... YAY!!

My leg/back isn't quite so sore today so that is a positive sign!!!
It's all good when I'm walking on the flat, but as soon as I hit a rise or steps - I'm history!

I must look like I'm 100 years old trying to get up the 51 steps to my office!!  hahaha...
Not sure what the weekend holds, but I know I'll be catching up with the Fabulous skinny Helena on Sunday morning, so that'll be cool!!
Not much more to say - I'm a bit blah today to be honest!
J snored his ass off last night, didn't get much sleep myself - wonder why??

Hopefully as the day progresses, my mood will improve!
But I tell ya what - I'm DAMN DETERMINED not to slip up with my food over the weekend that's for DAMN SURE!!!

Don't slip up on the grog either ya silly tart! Said EVER SO NICELY of course!!!!
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