Saturday, October 13, 2007

Gotta love the weekend!

I LOVE the fact that I didn't have to get up to the alarm clock this morning, although we had a 3 year old blondini in our bed wriggling and squirming all night long, so I think if the alarm had screeeched at 6.30 I would have thrown it out the bloody window!!
I went out last night and J looked after Rhian, he also had his 13 nephew here and they played on the playstation for so long that he ended up staying the night.
We dont have a spare room at the moment, so he slept in Rhian's room, which meant she was in with us.
I LOVE snuggling with her, but for someone so little, she sure takes up a hell of a lot of room!
She has a tendancy to sleep sideways, so J was on one side, I was on the other, and she was sprawled out in the middle!
we both just looked at each other this morning and sid "never again!" and laughed! hehee..
Anyway, I've got a headache, had it most of yesterday too, so hopefully I can kick it to the curb today.
Last night the mini reunion for work was a great laugh, it was wonderful to see people that I used to work with, but also a little disappointing that more current employees didn't make an effort to go.
Hahahaha......... listen to me - yesterday I was contemplating pulling out myself!
Anyway, I'm glad I went and it was a pretty early night, I was home by 10.30pm.
I dropped the girls off (the other two that I went with) at a local pub on the way home, and since I had a headache, I headed home.
pretty sensible huh?
No hangover today, so that is a bonus!
Second load of washing is in the machine, breakfast is over and done with, so now it's time to start on teh rest of the housework I guess!
Once this headache goes......... it's gonna be a good day!

I hate it when I go to bed with a headache and wake up with one. It's one of the worst feelings in the world. Hope you start to feel better soon.
Hope the rest of the weekend was headache free hun.

Yep I know what it is like to have a child that takes over the whole bed when they are there... Quinn does that when he sneaks in the middle of the night into bed but then you realise that there is a great big foot in your kidneys he he he...

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