Tuesday, October 30, 2007


What the hell do you say to someone who has just had bad news?
I have NEVER been any good at this sort of thing!!!
I have a friend, her and her partner are going through IVF right now.

She got her results back today - it's a negative.
They've been trying for years to have a baby, IVF was supposed to be "their thing".
It was gonna work!
It's so hard to know what to say........
My heart is breaking for her......
They'll give it another go, but she's losing faith.
They would make the best parents ever.
It's just NOT FAIR!!!!!

Just give her a big hugs.....words don't matter. She will feel what you can't put into words. Please give her a hug from me too. Going through it again will be hard but I hope they don't give up hope. You're right ..she will be a great mum. Hugs to you too as I know how much you care for your friends.
Luv Ya
There is nothing you can say really... just be there for her if and when she needs to talk. My heart goes out to people who stuggle to have a child, particularly when I have been OVERLY BLESSED with 8.
Hi Jo ... I'm only commenting because I've been in your friend's situation myself. Jenny T put it perfectly when she said that your friend will feel what you can't put into words. Sometimes anything you say can be the wrong thing. I was really upset when a well-meaning (and still good) friend told me "you're so brave" (How can you be brave when infertitility is not a choice?) Just be there for her ... knowing that you care will be enough.
Agreeing with the other comments - no words just a big hug! What makes me angry are the people that have children and then abuse them and others are like your friend.
Agreeing with the others - just be there for them and listen if they need to talk... give her lots of hugs when she needs them.
*hugs* to you too!
The rest have already said what I was going to say.

Perhaps you can make something special for dinner, put it in a pinic basket, wrap it in a bow and leave it on the doorstep with a note that says.. "Call me anytime. All my love Jo" xoxo

I'd be touched if someone did that for me.
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