Tuesday, October 02, 2007

skin stuff...

I went to the chemist, and he seems to think that the spots I have are scabies!!!!!
So Susan - you might just be right!  hehehehehe
Although when I got back to work, I googled it (bless technology) and the symptoms that I have don't really match the symptoms of scabies.
Well, some of them do, but others don't.
Like it says that they are usually prominent around the toes, fingers breasts, buttocks, neck and armpits.
I don't have any in any of those places, except one on one toe.
Oh yeah - it also says they are common on the penis - Glad I don't have to worry about that one!!!  *giggles*
It also says that they are small and pimple like in appearance, but mine are bigger and look more like itchy bites.
Another thing that confuses me is that scabies are supposed to be highly contagious and can be transmitted by something as simple as a handshake.
Well, Rhian and J are completely spot free, and I have had close *wink* contact with J over the past week, and I've shared baths with Rhian as well.
Plus I share a bed with J (duh!) and Rhian too at times (gotta love 3 year old's huh?) and it says that bedding is a common place for the mite to live.
So these things don't make sense at all.
Anyway, I have made an appointment with the Dr for this afternoon, so hopefully I will know one way or the other in about an hour!!!
So back to Upper Hutt I go, and spend another $50 at the Dr, but hey - if it gives me peace of mind - WHO CARES HUH?  hehehehe....
Hopefully I'll be back later and will be able to report that I don't have scabies......
I don't even like the word!  
Makes my skin crawl........... *inserted demented laugh here!*

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