Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Terrific Tuesday...

It's gonna be a great day!
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I haven't had the slightest inclination to kill anyone yet!  hehe...
It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do for a girl!

The nana nap didn't happen yesterday afternoon.... I got home, did the vacuuming, packed up my TradeMe stuff and then J came home, we worked out our budgets (mine is looking very VERY sad by the way!  hehe) and then had toasted sandwiches for dinner!  
How totally UNEXCITING!!!
I couldn't be arsed cooking, J can't cook to save himself (well that's HIS excuse) and it was either toasted sandwiches or takeaways, and going by the look of our budgets................. takeaways are a thing of the past!  hahahaha...

I'm such a broke ass!  BUT....... I ALWAYS find money to buy whatever I want!  How the hell does that work?
Actually...... the takeaway thing... if the truth is actually known, he wanted McDonalds, I wanted Malaysian, and we couldn't reach a compromise, so the toasted sandwich maker got hauled out and that was that!
I came in 2 under points yesterday.... I'm allowed 24, I only had 22 - YAY ME!!!
Bugger being, is that on a Monday my water intake always seems to suffer - not sure why - maybe it's cos I SUCK at drinking water over the weekend, and Monday is just a carry on from that?  Ah well, shit happens!!!

Don't ya hate it when you get engrossed in a movie and HAVE to watch it to see what happens at the end, only to find out that the ending TOTALLY SUCKS!?!?!?!
That is EXACTLY what happened to me last night!
It was a movie on SKY and it had Colin Farrell *drool* in it.

The New World is what it was called, it started out pretty good, I got engrossed in it, and HAD to see the ending.....
It didn't finish until 10.45pm, but I thought it was gonna have a fairy tale ending and everyone would live happily ever after!

The chick DOESN'T get back with her first love, then she dies, and her hubby takes their son back to her homeland and that is where it finished!
TOTALLY PISSED OFF that I waited until 10.45pm to find out that not every story has a happy ending!  hahahaha...

Of course if I knew ANYTHING about American history, I would have already known how it was going to end, and I could have gone to sleep a lot earlier!
I guess the moral of this story is that GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND, and next time, just use the computer to find out the ending - and get to sleep sooner!
Geez I go off on a tangent sometimes huh?

OK - my job........
I have been with this company for nearly 5 1/2 years, and I will say without a shadow of a doubt - it is a FANTASTIC company to work for!
They really do care about their staff, we get amazing benefits, from Superannuation, to Medical insurance, staff purchases, extra annual leave, generous sick leave allowance and they even top up the parental leave (when you have a baby) to be your FULL SALARY for the time that the government pays the 80%.  
I really do enjoy working for this company, the people are fantastic and make it what it is......
BUT................  a few months ago I decided that I was "bored" with my position in customer services, it was the same customers with the same problems day after day.  I was dealing with the same people doing the same thing and I just became "stale" so to speak.
I needed a change........ my boss sensed this, and I was approached about taking on a new role, in a different department, doing completely different things.
I JUMPED at the chance of a new challenge, and the promises that came along with it.
Now, in June of this year, we ceased production in New Zealand and we now manufacture everything off shore.
This resulted in about 100 losing their jobs on the manufacturing floor, and our importing levels go through the roof.
The position that was created for me is in Logistics, and revolves around the imported products.
One person used to do this job, and she was constantly busy, even when we were manufacturing on site.
So of course they split the role in to two and now she handles imports from Australia, and I handle imports from the rest of the world.
Sounds good so far huh?  She was stressed at the level of work she had, it was going to get busier with more imports, lets take on another person to alleviate the pressure..... that'll work!!!
I've since learnt that the person I work with (bless her she is a LOVELY LOVELY girl) is a stress monger!!!
She doesn't handle pressure at all, can't do more than one task at a time, and is constantly making mountains out of molehills.
I firmly believe that the job should NEVER have been split in two, as there is not enough work here for the two of us, and as a result, we often find ourselves with nothing to no........ me more than her, cos I finish what I have quicker and don't stress about it!
So........... I am left wondering "What the hell am I gonna do?"
Do I start looking for another job with another company?
Do I stick it out here and go crazy with the amount of downtime I have?
I really don't want to leave this company, because like I said, it is a fantastic place to work, but at the same time, is the lack of work going to send me around the bend mentally?
I thought about taking on some extra-mural study next year, but the main problem there, is the fact that I don't know what I want to be when I grow up!!!!
I kind of just "fell" into the Customer Services type role, and although I enjoy it, I don't know if I want to be doing it forever.
Decisions, decisions!!!
I KNOW that I would be totally stupid to look at moving before Christmas, as it would mean that I wouldn't get paid leave over the Christmas break, so if I decide to do anything, it wont be until early 2008 anyway.
But I just don't know what to do..........
Time to do some soul searching and figure out what the hell I want to be doing...........

OK - so this has turned in to a novel......
And it's coffee time.....

OMG you are bored aren't ya he he he

I have the same sort of thing here... I do the accounts for 10 creches in 21 hours and OMG for half the time I am bored and have told people but ya know what happens... they think yeah right... so I do digital scrapbooking and I look at blogs and I look at things on the internet and email.. OMG some company's just don't get it aye.

But.... sometimes the benefits at one company out way leaving... that is what it is like with me. It is really flexible here and I can take my kids to and from school and I get paid for it..

I don't know what I want to do when I grow up either... something crafty I reckon but hmmmm hard thing.

Anyway hope it gets better for ya.

Love Chubbymum
Hang fire baby........your work mate will probably stress herself out and then leave so you will get it all to do!!!!!! In the meantime you can help me on the genealogy (sp) that I am trying to do LOL. Also don't forget that maybe you may want that maternity leave one day....ROFL
Luv ya
Gotta say, I agree with your Mum - especially on the maternity leave one *wink*.

If your on a good thing - stay!
Maybe get a hobby you can do at work to fill in the time.

There aren't many jobs out there with the flexibility you have.
Maybe a small paperback!!

I have never stayed in one job more than a year and a half so I am not the one to ask. Aside from mothering that is and I don't tend to do that fulltime for too long either. This is the longest period of time I have been at home with a kiddie without doing some sort of work.
Hang in there!!! Maybe something else will come up within the company - or the maternity leave may be an option. See whaat your mum has started!!!
Maybe you could approach your boos about being interested in doing some type of training into other areas of your division or higher level positions. If you are keen and sincere to learn they are usually more than happy to help a motivated employee - especially if you enjoy working there.
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