Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Crap weather here..... after yesterday it sucks, cos it was nice!
Did that make sense?
Seem to have a lot of work on at the moment which is good - it keeps me out of trouble and away from food!
Food has been great this week, I got prepared and stocked up on stuff to eat at work, so that saves me eyeing up the lollie jar!

Rice cakes, rice crackers, salsa, cereal for breakfast - all the good stuff!
Dinner last night was home made burgers and home made wedges, bloody nice!
Not too sure what tonight will bring as J has a meeting and I can't be bothered cooking for just me and Rhian!
I'm sure I'll think of something easy though!  hehehe....

TOM has brought on a bit of PMT I think, and I'm cranky and crampy and just really short tempered today....
J wore the brunt of it this morning when he asked me to make him some toast while I was making Rhian's!
I just snapped back that his bloody legs weren't broken and he could make his own effen toast!
The look on his face told me that I was being a b1tch, but he dared not say anything!  hahahaha....
Haven't snapped at anyone at work so far today, so that's a good sign!  
Work to do....... see ya!

Hope you are feeling better tonight :) PMT days do end eventually LOL :)
luv Ya xoxoxo
farkin TOM *sigh* ... ooh love ya brown shoes on Auction, might have to bid on them ... were they loose or tight or just right on ya? Cos I think my foot is about half a size bigger than yours.
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