Sunday, November 25, 2007

New Additions...

Check out the little cherubs!

Sisters and oh so cute...

We got them this morning, Rhian wanted to call them Dora & Boots.

We agreed on Boots for the tabby girl, but still haven't come up with anything that suits the little black girl...

Let's hope they don't decide to play all night long :)

Awww love baby puddy tats!!! Sweeties!!
Not my cup of tea... cats! I would call them Dog Food and Tucker. OOOO not nice, naughty me!
***Rolling my eyes!!!***
Did they come with a returns note????? LOL.. I am sure Rhian loves them. Just as well you haven't finished the renovations yet!!!
Luv Ya really and yep I love little kittens too.
How about SOOT for the little black one?

Very cute.
AWWWWWWWWWW they are so so so so so cute!!! I wish we could get a kitten (or even an older cat)! And we will get another one day...
Ohh they are aDORAble he he

My 3 year daughter loves our 2 cats, not sure how much they love her though!!!!!
Cherubs?? I suppose by now they have shown you how they can climb curtains, up furniture, scratch anything in sight. Still very cute though:-)
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