Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday again...

The weekend has flown by too damn fast and I don't like the fact that it is Monday already!!!!
My work Xmas function was on Friday, and I stayed sober the entire time....... a fact that some people found rather amusing I can tell you!
I'm usually the one right in the middle of all the drunkeness, but NO, not this year!!!
We started out by being loaded on to a couple of buses, then taken to the wharf, where we boarded a boat and proceeded to sail over to a lovely little bay and anchor down there for a couple of hours.

We just chilled out, and there were people fishing, there were people playing with a ball, there were people playing drinking games, and of course there were the sober ones enjoying the sun and the conversation!
After the cruise, we went back to a bar in town (Shed 5 for those Wellingtonians) and continued on the drinking......
Well, the drunk ones continued drinking and talking shit, and the few sober ones had coffee and conversation!
It was bloody funny to watch everyone around me get completely wasted, and for me to still have my head about me!
We got loaded back on to the buses at 4pm and brought back to the office, where people dispersed and continued to drink it up at a local pub here in Petone, but I let them go on their own little Merry way, and happily waved their drunk butts goodbye!
GO ME!!!
Of course there was a reason behind my abstinence from alcohol on Friday, and that was my gorgeous wee princess Rhian!

I was taking her up to Foxton to visit with her nana and grandad and aunty steph.
Staying sober was a small sacrifice!  hehehehe........
Saturday and Sunday seem to be a bit of a blur, but it involved a Kids Xmas party for Rhian, coming home from Foxton, church, and a kids birthday party.
Then of course there was washing to do and meals to cook and TV to watch!
It was a good weekend, and I managed to refrain from eating and drinking my way through it for once!
Food has been good this week, so I'm looking forward to weigh in again this week - crazy huh???

Righto - work to do, so best I get back in to it!

Don't scare me like that - I thought you must have been pregnant not to drink at the Xmas party......LOL

Hope Rhian had a lovely time with her Nana, Grandad and Aunty.

Sounds like your company put alot of thought into your work party, how cool.

I love watching people get drunk, funny funny funny.
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