Saturday, January 12, 2008


Went to the Dr's yesterday, turns out I have an infection of some kind, and am now on some kick ass strong antibiotics and painkillers
Suits me fine......
Although this morning i thought I was dying - I woke up and my throat/neck was killing me (from the swollen glands) and I couldn't turn my neck much at all!
Freaked me out a bit, but after a wee cry and a bit of a lie down, combined with my first dose of painkillers for the day, I was up and about half an hour later without too much trouble.
My head is still pounding and it is still agony to swallow, but I can tell that things are starting to get better already........... YAY!!!
Every bone in my body aches, and it hurts to do simple things like take a shower or even stand for too long, but these things are sent to try us, and it'll be fine in a couple of days.

Positive thinking!!!!!!!!!!!
There is NO WAY that I want to still be sick this time next week, as we will be in MELBOURNE!!!!!
I can't wait!
I just have to get better...
So plenty of fluids, plenty of rest and lots of TLC.
I'm getting all three - so it's all good!

How long will you be in melbourne for? I am going to be there too and I would love to do coffee or something!!!!!!!
Get better soon - have a great time in Melbourne!
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