Monday, February 18, 2008

It can't be Monday already!!!

Man o man was I bad/complacent over the weekend!!!!
I just totally disregarded the fact that I have a hell of a lot of weight to lose, and ate my way through two days like I had the metabolism of a Gazelle!!!
Stupid thing to do, cos now I am kicking myself!
It all went downhill on Friday night when I had a few bourbons with J's sister.  
The time flew by and before we knew it, it was past feeding time for the kids (bad mummy moment), so we got them Fish & Chips.
Of COURSE I had to have some too!!!!
Saturday wasn't so bad, we went off to check out the Petone fair, and although J got a punnet of hot chips, I only had 2 or 3 out of it, so I was well pleased with myself.
Lunch after that was home made sandwiches, and mine had tuna and salad on it.
The afternoon sped past and we decided to make homemade fish and chips for dinner.
Now that wouldn't have been too bad in itself if I had grilled or baked the fish, but NO......... Jo decided to try out a new batter recipe that someone gave me!!!
It absolutely SOAKED up the oil, and was terrible and greasy, plus I cooked the chips in a bit of oil as well as I had run out of cooking spray, so all in all it was a greasy horrible mess!!!!  All soaked up with some fresh bread!!!!!!!
Oh yeah - don't forget the ice cream to follow - just to take the fatty taste away of course!!  hehehe...
Sunday I took Rhian to a birthday party for one of her daycare friends, and I managed to avoid most of the party food, although I did succumb to a chocolate crackle!  
But then they started cooking sausages for the adults, and I had one........
OK, OK, I had TWO!!!!!!!!
Sunday dinner was a pork roast, and instead of just having a small amount of meat, I pigged out (excuse the pun..... pigged out on pork.......   ah forget it!!) and stuffed myself with meat, AND crackling, AND roasted veges!!!

All chased down by a HUGE hunk of my mum's famous lemon cheesecake!!!
I swear, by the end of the weekend I thought that someone was going to take a pin and POP me!!!!
Well, that must have been playing on my mind when I went to bed, because not only couldn't I sleep cos I was so full and uncomfortable, but when I finally did manage to drift off, I had a dream that I literally popped from eating too much cheesecake!!!!
It was weird....... I was sitting in my lazy boy chair, J was beside me, and we were both eating cheesecake.  
I was complaining (between mouthfuls) that I was too fat, and J kept telling me that I wasn't, and that I didn't look like I had gained any weight at all.
I just kept eating and eating and eating, and my bowl didn't get empty!!
Then, all of a sudden, my right leg exploded, covering me and J in cheesecake......
But it was a sight to behold I can tell ya!!!
I woke up this morning feeling sick and kicking myself for my stuff ups over the weekend!!!!!
I know that 75% of the time I am on track these days, but I have to increase that number to be 100% of the time, cos when I let myself go............ boy do I let myself go!!!!!
Anyway - I'm not gonna beat myself up about it too much more, I've done enough of that.......
Onwards and upwards...
Weigh day on Wednesday - wonder what the numbers will be???

Weird - I was just about to post this and the thought ran through my head of "Why the hell did you just type out such a long and boring story??"  
I guess the answer to that is so that I can just get it all off my chest....... no other reason......

A bit like me - I think we have been doing this for so long now that it's so easy to become complacent. A very honest post!! Main thing is to pick yourself up and of you go again1
Simple is good, ok even chick!
ok, some good news for ya. The theory goes that if you can remember a dream then it won't happen. (lol, arn't you so happy to hear that)
Anyway what a bizarre dream. I had one the other night where I was ripping off my old boss. Instead of banking company cheques into the company account I started living the life of Riley after banking cheques into my account insstead. (woke up feeling gross as I even felt guilty that I had dreamt such a horrific thing)
Accountability is a wonderful thing - and that's what blogging the bad choices gives us.

As much as you say you go way off track when you do the important thing to remember is that you have the right dose of annoyance with yourself too - it's that attitude that will always get you back on track.
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